Project Management

Needs assessment
Whether you are working for the first time in a community/geographical area or you are looking to renew an intervention, our team can help you collect and analyse primary and secondary information to determine the needs, vulnerabilities, priorities, and capacities of community members, individuals, and local stakeholders, as well as information on potential gaps and coordination with relevant stakeholders, in order to prevent the duplication of efforts.
Situational analysis
Organizations often need horizons mapping, situational analysis, scoping studies, and other types of analyses as part of the process of starting new initiatives. Through a thorough desk review process and key informant interviews, our team can help you put together a rationale on what type of investments are needed in a specific setting.

Project design
Our team has years of experience in project and programme design on different issues of the development and humanitarian agenda. We have led and accompanied processes and we know what it takes to successfully design projects and programmes that address the needs of left-behind communities and individuals while keeping in line with organizational goals and capacities.
Monitoring tools
We know monitoring must be ongoing and a permanent component in all initiatives and we know it can also be one of the biggest challenges for many organizations. In addition to helping you to evaluate the work you have done or are currently doing, we can also offer support in developing supportive supervision and training plans; tailored financial, narrative, and data reporting formats; quality assurance and improvement tools; and SMART indicators and guidelines for meaningful use of all data collected during the monitoring processes, and more.

Good practices
Generating or using evidence-based practices in your programming is essential to optimize resources as well as to realize the rights and meet the needs of target populations. Our team can support your initiative in the identification of good, promising, and emerging practices.