Institutional strengthening

Goal approach
GOALT stands for Governance, Organization, Actions, Learning, Tools. Building on our work with numerous stakeholders around the world and authoritative diagnostic resources from different agencies, the IWORDS Consulting team has developed its own tool.
Strategic planning
Our team brings extensive experience leading and facilitating strategic planning processes for organizations, initiatives, and networks—big and small—throughout the world. We consider these processes as great opportunities for organizations to stop and have an introspective look at themselves as live, changing entities and consider how far they have come in their work, where they are, and where they would like to be in terms of their social mission, long-term goals, and vision.

Policies and accountability systems
Having clear policies and procedures that guide your internal work, your relationship with donors, suppliers, and beneficiaries, and the code of conduct of staff and volunteers is essential for the smooth and transparent operation of your organizations.