We offer support to our client organizations and initiatives on how to make the best use of new technological opportunities for resource mobilization, in particular, crowdfunding platforms. We provide technical assistance and guidance on how to prepare, launch, and manage crowdfunding campaigns that focus on funding social causes and improving the financial sustainability of civil society organizations and initiatives.
Our services include:
Support in developing strategies for a successful campaign
Support in developing the most attractive content for a campaign
Technical assistance in managing online crowdfunding websites
Advice and guidelines on how to best structure a campaign
Technical assistance to train staff so they can manage future campaigns on their own
Support in managing social networks and other online tools to make a campaign as successful as possible
Support in developing institutional tools that will allow clients to launch and manage future campaigns on their own
Fundación Oriéntame (COL)
Fundación Oriéntame video transcription
Guide me to decide
Point D
Hi! My name is María Vivas and I am the Director of Fundación Oriéntame. Today I would like to invite you to learn about our project to distribute menstrual cups to vulnerable girls and women in the communities of Soledad, Palenque, Villas del Rosario, Soacha, and Pereira in Colombia. I also want to invite you to accompany me by making your donation.
For many girls and women:
Managing menstruation during COVID-19 can be a mess.
Menstrual care becomes a creative labyrinth.
Due to a lack of resources for menstrual care, they fall into a new cycle of exclusion.
“When my period comes, I wear cloth underwear that my mom made for me, and every night I have to wash them.”
The lack of menstrual care makes them feel ashamed and afraid of their bodies.
The lack of means for menstrual care makes them lose self-confidence.
Well, when I don’t have pads, I have to put a lot of toilet paper in my panties to absorb the blood.
Fundación Oriéntame aims to educate 2,500 vulnerable girls and women in knowledge and care of the body, as well as in the use of menstrual cups as an economic, discreet, and environmentally friendly method of menstrual hygiene.
We seek to support girls in communities that have seen their income reduced during the COVID-19 pandemic. Together we can improve their lives.
Support us with your donation: https://bit.ly/30vy2Dc Thank you! www.orientame.org.co
Ciarena (MEX)
Ciarena video transcription
Indigenous Women for the Conservation, Research, and Utilization of Natural Resources
I’m Silvia Pérez from Mujeres Indígenas for Ciarena. In Ciarena, we promote and defend the human rights of women, youth, children, and indigenous peoples. We work on the sexual and reproductive rights of indigenous youth, land and territory defence, environmental care, and food security.
We work with indigenous youth through workshops, discussions, and activities for reforestation in our community.
We promote and defend the human rights of indigenous women, youth, and children with the aim of improving their living conditions.
Our goal
Gather resources for the construction of the Ciarena Indigenous Women’s house.
Donate Ciarena
We need to embrace each other in order to inform, exercise, and defend the human rights of our Zapotec indigenous women, men, youth, and children.
I am Ciarena.
I am Ciarena.
I am Ciarena.
I am Ciarena.
You can also be Ciarena.
Thank you!
Experience working with donor mechanisms such as the Safe Abortion Action Fund, The Girls First Fund, Elevate Children, Stars Foundation (Impact Awards), No Lost Generation (through UNICEF), and With and For Girls Awards, among others.